Section 33:3-g Broadband Infrastructure Bonds.
   I. A municipality may issue bonds for the purpose of financing the development, construction, reconstruction, renovation, improvement, and acquisition of broadband infrastructure in areas not served by an existing broadband carrier or provider that would be provided at a fee to broadband carriers that provide broadband services. Without limiting the foregoing, broadband infrastructure may be the subject of public-private partnerships established in accordance with the provisions of RSA 33:3.
   II. Bonds issued under this section shall be payable in annual payments so that the amount of annual payment of principal and interest in any year on account of any bond shall be not less than the amount of principal and interest payable in any subsequent year by more than 5 percent of the principal of the entire bond. The total amount of payments shall be sufficient to extinguish the entire bond at such bond's maturity. The first payment of principal on any bond shall be made no later than 5 years and the last payment not later than 30 years after the date issued. Each authorized issue of bonds shall be a separate and distinct loan.
   III. A municipality shall not issue bonds for the purpose of financing the development, construction, reconstruction, renovation, improvement, and acquisition of broadband infrastructure in areas not served by an existing broadband carrier or provider unless a request for proposals has been issued and no broadband carrier or provider has responded positively within 2 months or deployed broadband service within 14 months of the issuance of the request for proposals.
Source. 2006, 225:3, eff. July 31, 2006.