Section 5-C:53 Delayed Certificate of Marriage Procedures.

   I. When the steps described in RSA 5-C:52 have been completed, the clerk of the town or city shall prepare a delayed certificate of marriage as provided in this section.
   II. If the actual date of marriage has been established but other entries for dates recorded on the marriage certificate are not obtainable, the missing dates shall be estimated from the marriage date by the clerk of the town or city. Those dates shall be noted on the certificate as ""approximate.''
   III. The clerk of the town or city shall send the completed form and all original supporting documentation to the division after his or her signature has been affixed. A copy of the completed form shall be retained by the clerk of the town or city and a copy shall be sent to the bride and groom.
   IV. Upon receipt of the completed form from the clerk of the town or city, the state registrar shall review the documentation for completeness and approve or not approve the delayed certificate as described in RSA 5-C:54.
   V. The delayed certificate of marriage shall be filed by the clerk of the town or city by adding the words ""DELAYED IN FILING MARRIAGE'' on the face of the form.
   VI. The entry for ""date received by clerk'' on the delayed marriage certificate shall show the date when the application for the delayed marriage certificate was approved by the state registrar.
   VII. Certified copies of a delayed marriage certificate issued by the clerk of the town or city or the division shall be stamped or suitably noted to indicate ""DELAYED IN FILING.''

Source. 2005, 268:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.