Section 4:9-a Law Enforcement Memorial.

   I. There shall be a memorial to commemorate the New Hampshire law enforcement community. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the memorial shall be situated on the southeast corner on the front grounds connected with the legislative office building. The governor is authorized to accept in the name of the state the law enforcement memorial as a private gift upon its completion.
   II. (a) The director of the division of plant and property management, subject to the direction and supervision of the commissioner of administrative services, shall act as the custodian of the law enforcement memorial, and shall have charge of all matters relating to the care, maintenance, and repair of, and additions to, the memorial. For the purpose of this section the provisions of RSA 21-I shall not apply.
      (b) The director of the division of plant and property management, subject to the direction and supervision of the commissioner of administrative services, shall administer and disburse to the committee established in RSA 4:9-b the moneys in the special account established under RSA 4:9-b. No money other than necessary expenses prior to construction shall be disbursed until the governor and council approve and award the contract for the construction of the law enforcement memorial.

Source. 1994, 370:1, eff. June 9, 1994. 2004, 81:5, eff. Jan. 1, 2005.