Section 21-R:4 Duties of the Commissioner.

   In addition to the powers, duties, and functions otherwise vested in the commissioner pursuant to RSA 21-G:9, the commissioner shall be responsible for the following:
   I. Providing technical information technology consultation to all executive branch agencies and to any other agency that requests it, including technical advice during the development or acquisition of information systems.
   II. Monitoring technological trends and informing all state employees and officials about state-of-the-art information systems and management techniques.
   III. Developing a formal information technology planning process for approving agency information technology plans.
   IV. Preparing and maintaining a statewide information technology plan based upon agency information technology plans.
   V. Reviewing, assessing, and approving the feasibility of agency information technology plans, including cost estimates and effects on other agencies and political subdivisions of the state.
   VI. Developing standards and processes for collaborative stakeholder involvement to assure that hardware, software, and telecommunications systems acquired or developed by the state are as compatible among themselves and with other systems of the state and political subdivisions as are necessary and practical.
   VII. Providing training and educational programs to technicians and managers.
   VIII. Monitoring and reporting to the governor and general court on the effectiveness of the use of information technology resources and on statewide progress in implementing information technology plans.
   IX. Coordinating information technology development efforts that affect multiple agencies.
   X. Developing a data center consideration plan, which establishes strategic data centers throughout the state for data processing operations and service responsibilities for all executive branch agencies.
   XI. Developing, in concert with the commissioner of administrative services and the budget director as defined in RSA 21-I:1-a, the capital and operating budget requests for implementing each agency's information technology plan, including, but not limited to, appropriate standards for the uniform presentation of the general budget requests.
   XII. Developing, in concert with the department of administrative services, director of plant and property management, specifications for the procurement of computer equipment and software.
   XIII. Developing a strategy to increase efficiency and effectiveness in all areas of state government by using information technology to its fullest potential.
   XIV. Developing and implementing a strategy to consolidate statewide shared information technology services.
   XV. Developing an information technology satisfaction measurement program to ensure information technology resources and strategic plans are meeting the needs of each agency.

Source. 2008, 335:1, eff. Sept. 5, 2008.