Section 21-P:26 Commission.
   I. There shall be a fire standards and training commission consisting of 16 members, including the commissioner of safety or designee, the commissioner of education or designee, the attorney general or designee, the chief of the forest protection, the director of the division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services, and the state fire marshal, who shall each serve during his or her continuance in such office, and members of each of the following associations or groups chosen by the governor, with the approval of the council, from a list of 3 qualified members submitted by each association or group:
      (a) Two representatives of the New Hampshire Association of Fire Chiefs, at least one of whom shall be a chief of a full-time fire department, and one a chief of a volunteer department.
      (b) One representative of the Professional Firefighters of New Hampshire-International Association of Firefighters.
      (c) One representative of the Fire Instructors and Officers Association of New Hampshire.
      (d) One representative of the Federation of Fire Mutual Aid Associations.
      (e) One representative of the New Hampshire State Firemen's Association.
      (f) One representative of the insurance industry of New Hampshire, which members shall be recommended by the New Hampshire Association of Domestic Insurance Companies.
      (g) One representative of the New Hampshire Municipal Association.
      (h) One representative of the New Hampshire State Permanent Firemen's Association.
      (i) One representative of the Fire Prevention Society.
   I-a. The director of the division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services shall be a nonvoting member of the commission.
   II. Each member shall serve a term of 3 years, provided that no such member shall serve beyond the time he ceases to hold the membership which qualified him for appointment to the commission.
   III. Members shall serve without compensation except that they shall be reimbursed for their regular and necessary expenses in the performance of their duties as members of the commission.
   IV. Members shall annually elect from among themselves a person to serve as commission chairman and another to serve as commission vice-chairman. The director of the division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services shall serve as the commission's executive officer. The commission shall hold no fewer than 4 regular meetings a year at such times and places as the chairman shall fix, either on his own motion or upon written request of any 4 members.
Source. 1989, 388:3. 1994, 389:11-13, eff. Aug. 1, 1994. 1998, 321:4, eff. Jan. 1, 1999. 2002, 257:2, eff. July 1, 2002. 2003, 319:104, eff. Sept. 4, 2003. 2004, 171:28, eff. July 24, 2004. 2005, 149:2, eff. Aug. 20, 2005.