Section 21-P:12-a Division of Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services; Disposition of Funds.
   I. There is established within the department a division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services, under the supervision of an unclassified director of fire standards and training and emergency medical services who shall administer and supervise a fire and emergency medical service training and research program throughout the state. The director of fire standards and training and emergency medical services shall be nominated by the commissioner of safety, after consultation with the fire standards and training commission and the emergency medical and trauma services coordinating board, for appointment by the governor, with consent of the council, and shall serve a term of 4 years until a successor is appointed. The commission shall take a recorded vote regarding its concurrence or non-concurrence in the commissioner's nomination decision. If the commission votes not to concur in the decision, it shall submit a letter to the commissioner so stating, and the commissioner shall in turn submit that letter to the governor and council. The director of fire standards and training and emergency medical services shall be academically and technically qualified to hold the position, and shall receive the salary specified in RSA 94:1-a.
   II. The director shall:
      (a) Be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services, the operations of the fire academy, including establishing training programs and offering instruction in methods of determining and dealing with the causes of fire and the prevention of fire, techniques in firefighting, emergency medical services, and rescue, research and techniques in firefighting and fire protection, the administration and management of fire departments and emergency medical services units, and the provisions of RSA 21-P:12-b.
      (b) Establish fees to be collected for tuition, licenses, and services. Such fees shall be subject to the approval of the commissioner of the department of safety. The commissioner may for good cause waive any fees charged under this subparagraph and may authorize tuition reimbursement from the fire standards and training and emergency medical services fund.
      (c) Establish, maintain, approve, and certify programs, courses, institutions, and facilities for study for all fire service and emergency medical services personnel and recruits according to accepted curricula.
      (d) Develop and administer the provision of professional instruction and training for all fire, rescue, and emergency medical services.
      (e) Develop and promote new methods and practices of firefighting, delivery of emergency medical services, rescue operations, injury prevention, fire prevention, and fire and emergency medical services administration.
      (f) Disseminate information relative to fire and rescues, techniques of firefighting and rescuing, fire prevention, fire administration, emergency medical services, and other related subjects to all interested agencies and individuals throughout the state.
      (g) Be authorized to employ part-time instructors or assistants and compensate them for organizing, developing, and conducting approved fire training, emergency medical services, and rescue courses or other work as directed at an hourly rate established by the commissioner and for mileage and expenses incurred in performing their official duties.
      (h) With the approval of the commissioner, accept in the name of the state any and all donations, fees for tuition, rents, services and any and all moneys and grants from any governmental unit, public agency, institution, person, firm, or corporation and receive, utilize, expend, and dispose of such funds subject to budgetary provisions, consistent with the rules of the department of safety and the purposes or conditions of the donations or grant.
   III. The receipt of a donation or grant under subparagraph II(h) shall be noted in the biennial report of the department of safety, which will also identify the nature of the donation or grant and the conditions of the donation or grant, if any. Any moneys received by the division pursuant to subparagraph II(h) shall be deposited in the state treasury to the account of the department of safety and shall not lapse. In addition, the division may receive, hold, and use gifts, bequests, and devises either outright or in trust for purposes consistent with this chapter.
Source. 1994, 389:9, eff. Aug. 1, 1994. 1997, 135:1, eff. Aug. 8, 1997. 1998, 321:3, eff. Jan. 1, 1999. 2001, 91:15, eff. July 1, 2001. 2004, 171:26, eff. July 24, 2004.