Section 21-I:52 Prohibitions; Penalty.
   I. No person shall be appointed or promoted to, or demoted or dismissed from, any position in the classified service, or in any way favored or discriminated against with respect to employment in the classified service because of the person's political opinions, religious beliefs or affiliations, age, sex, or race. In addition, no person shall have any such employment action taken on account of such person's sexual orientation. Nothing in this section shall require the appointment or prevent the dismissal of any person who advocates the overthrow of the government by unconstitutional and violent means. No person shall use, or promise to use directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence, whether possessed or anticipated, to secure or attempt to secure for any person an appointment or advantage in appointment to a position in the classified service, or an increase in pay or other advantage in employment in any such position, for the purpose of influencing the vote or political action of any person, or for any consideration. No employee in the state classified service shall hold any remunerative elective public office, or have other employment, either of which creates an actual, direct and substantial conflict of interest with the employee's employment, which conflict cannot be alleviated by said employee abstaining from actions directly affecting such classified employment. Determination of such conflict shall be made by the personnel appeals board after the parties are afforded rights to a hearing pursuant to RSA 21-I:58. The burden of proof in establishing such a conflict shall be upon the party alleging it. No action affecting said employee shall be taken by the appointing authority because of such public office or other employment until after a full hearing before and approval of such action by the personnel appeals board. If an actual, direct and substantial conflict of interest, which cannot be alleviated by abstention by the employee, is found by the personnel appeals board, the board must approve any action proposed by the appointing authority; and the employee shall be given a reasonable amount of time to leave the employee's public office or other employment or otherwise end the conflict before the appointing authority initiates that action.
   II. If any person in state service shall willfully violate this section, his position of service with the state shall be declared vacant by the governor and council.
Source. 1986, 12:1. 1990, 261:3, eff. July 1, 1990. 1997, 108:4, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.