Section 21-I:27 Administration.
Administration of the state employees permanent group life and state employees and retirees group hospitalization, hospital medical care, surgical care and other medical and surgical insurance benefits shall be the responsibility of the commissioner of administrative services. If the commissioner of administrative services concludes that inclusion of the university system of New Hampshire in the health plan would best serve the interests of the state employees and the state of New Hampshire, then the commissioner shall, with the consent of the university system board of trustees, administer the health benefits of the university system of New Hampshire employees as set forth in this subdivision. The commissioner may administer the health benefits of the employees of the State Employees' Association of New Hampshire, Inc., SEIU, Local 1984, AFL-CIO, CLC, as set forth in this subdivision until such time as the commissioner concludes that the inclusion of the State Employees' Association does not serve the interests of the state employees and the state of New Hampshire.
Source. 1985, 399:1, eff. July 1, 1985. 2006, 207:1, eff. July 30, 2006. 2007, 263:125, eff. July 1, 2007.