Section 12-I:1 Northern New England Interstate Commission on Economic Development Established; Members.
There is hereby established the Northern New England Interstate Commission on Economic Development to examine and promote economic development throughout New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont. The members of the commission shall be as follows:
   I. The governor of the state of New Hampshire, or designee.
   II. The governor of the state of Maine, or designee.
   III. The governor of the state of Vermont, or designee.
   IV. The commissioner of the New Hampshire department of resources and economic development, or designee.
   V. The commissioner of the Maine department of resources and economic development, or designee.
   VI. The commissioner of the Vermont department of resources and economic development, or designee.
   VII. One public member from each state, appointed by the governor of each respective state.
Source. 1997, 270:1.