78.750 - Service of process on corporations.

78.750  Service of process on corporations.

      1.  In any action commenced against any corporation in any court of this State, service of process may be made in the manner provided by law and rule of court for the service of civil process.

      2.  Service of process on a corporation whose charter has been revoked or which has been continued as a body corporate pursuant to NRS 78.585 may be made by mailing copies of the process and any associated records by certified mail, with return receipt requested, to:

      (a) The registered agent of the corporation, if there is one; and

      (b) Each officer and director of the corporation as named in the list last filed with the Secretary of State before the dissolution or expiration of the corporation or the forfeiture of its charter.

Ê The manner of serving process described in this subsection does not affect the validity of any other service authorized by law.

      [81:177:1925; NCL § 1680]—(NRS A 1979, 568; 1997, 474; 2001, 1377, 3199; 2003, 3107; 2007, 2650)