695C.267 - Provision requiring binding arbitration authorized; procedures for arbitration; declaratory relief.

695C.267  Provision requiring binding arbitration authorized; procedures for arbitration; declaratory relief.

      1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 695C.265 and subject to the approval of the Commissioner, a health maintenance organization may include in any evidence of coverage issued by the organization a provision which requires an enrollee to whom the evidence of coverage is issued and the health maintenance organization to submit for binding arbitration any dispute between the enrollee and the organization concerning any matter directly or indirectly related to, or associated with, the evidence of coverage or the health care plan or health care services of the health maintenance organization. If such a provision is included in the evidence of coverage:

      (a) An enrollee must be given the opportunity to decline to participate in binding arbitration at the time of his or her enrollment.

      (b) It must clearly state that the health maintenance organization and an enrollee who has not declined to participate in binding arbitration agree to forego their right to resolve any such dispute in a court of law or equity.

      2.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the arbitration must be conducted pursuant to the rules for commercial arbitration established by the American Arbitration Association. The health maintenance organization is responsible for any administrative fees and expenses relating to the arbitration, except that the health maintenance organization is not responsible for attorney’s fees and fees for expert witnesses unless those fees are awarded by the arbitrator.

      3.  If a dispute required to be submitted to binding arbitration requires an immediate resolution to protect the physical health of an enrollee, any party to the dispute may waive arbitration and seek declaratory relief in a court of competent jurisdiction.

      4.  If a provision described in subsection 1 is included in any evidence of coverage issued by a health maintenance organization, the provision shall not be deemed unenforceable as an unreasonable contract of adhesion if the provision is included in compliance with the provisions of subsection 1.

      (Added to NRS by 1995, 2559)