675.150 - Procedure for denial of license.

675.150  Procedure for denial of license.

      1.  If the Commissioner finds that any applicant does not possess the requirements specified in this chapter, he or she shall enter an order denying the application and forthwith notify the applicant of the denial.

      2.  Within 10 days after the entry of such an order, he or she shall file his or her findings and a summary of the evidence supporting them and shall forthwith deliver a copy thereof to the applicant.

      (Added to NRS by 1959, 229; A 1983, 1326, 1808; 1987, 1989)

      NRS 675.160  Disposition of money collected pursuant to chapter.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 675.100, all fees and charges collected under the provisions of this chapter must be deposited in the State Treasury pursuant to the provisions of NRS 658.091.

      (Added to NRS by 1959, 230; A 1983, 1326; 2003, 3234)