- 673.276 - Permissible investments.
- 673.2765 - Investments in related service corporations.
- 673.2766 - Investments in real property for subdivision or residential development.
- 673.278 - Purchases of loans.
- 673.279 - Purchases of real property contracts; conditions.
- 673.280 - Certain federal obligations are legal investments.
- 673.281 - Restrictions on transfer or encumbrance of note and other obligations held by association.
- 673.300 - Association may become member and stockholder of Federal Home Loan Bank, borrow money and invest in bonds.
- 673.301 - Association may issue capital notes; voting rights of holders.
- 673.302 - Limitation on borrowing.
- 673.310 - Loans and advances of credit insured by Federal Housing Administrator or Department of Veterans Affairs.
- 673.315 - Investment in Federal National Mortgage Association.
- 673.316 - Loans and investments not limited.