645F.394 - Foreclosure consultants, loan modification consultants and persons performing covered services for compensation: Deposits and trust accounts; commingling; records; inspection and audit.

645F.394  Foreclosure consultants, loan modification consultants and persons performing covered services for compensation: Deposits and trust accounts; commingling; records; inspection and audit.

      1.  All money paid to a person who performs any covered service for compensation, a foreclosure consultant or a loan modification consultant by a person in full or partial payment of covered services to be performed:

      (a) Must be deposited in a separate checking account located in a federally insured depository financial institution or credit union in this State which must be designated a trust account;

      (b) Must be kept separate from money belonging to the person who performs any covered service for compensation, the foreclosure consultant or the loan modification consultant; and

      (c) Must not be withdrawn by the person who performs any covered service for compensation, foreclosure consultant or loan modification consultant until the completion of every covered service as agreed upon in the contract for covered services.

      2.  The person who performs any covered service for compensation, the foreclosure consultant or the loan modification consultant shall keep records of all money deposited in a trust account pursuant to subsection 1. The records must clearly indicate the date and from whom he or she received money, the date deposited, the dates of withdrawals, and other pertinent information concerning the transaction, and must show clearly for whose account the money is deposited and to whom the money belongs. The person who performs any covered service for compensation, the foreclosure consultant or the loan modification consultant shall balance each separate trust account at least monthly and provide to the Commissioner, on a form provided by the Commissioner, an annual accounting which shows an annual reconciliation of each separate trust account. All such records and money are subject to inspection and audit by the Commissioner and authorized representatives of the Commissioner.

      3.  Each person who performs any covered service for compensation, each foreclosure consultant and each loan modification consultant shall notify the Commissioner of the names of the banks and credit unions in which he or she maintains trust accounts and specify the names of the accounts on forms provided by the Commissioner.

      4.  As used in this section, “completion of every covered service” means:

      (a) Successful results with respect to what the performance of each covered service was intended to yield for the homeowner, as described in the contract for covered services; or

      (b) If the performance of one or more covered service has an unsuccessful result with respect to what the performance of that covered service was intended to yield for the homeowner, a showing that every reasonable effort was made, under the particular circumstances, to obtain successful results,

Ê as verified in a written statement provided to the homeowner.

      (Added to NRS by 2009, 1458)