645B.820 - Exercise of jurisdiction over party to civil action; service of summons to confer jurisdiction.

645B.820  Exercise of jurisdiction over party to civil action; service of summons to confer jurisdiction.

      1.  A court of this State may exercise jurisdiction over a party to a civil action arising under the provisions of this chapter on any basis not inconsistent with the Constitution of the State of Nevada or the Constitution of the United States.

      2.  Personal service of summons upon a party outside this State is sufficient to confer upon a court of this State jurisdiction over the party so served if the service is made by delivering a copy of the summons, together with a copy of the complaint, to the party served in the manner provided by statute or rule of court for service upon a person of like kind within this State.

      3.  In all cases of such service, the defendant has 40 days, exclusive of the day of service, within which to answer or plead.

      4.  This section provides an additional manner of serving process and does not invalidate any other service.

      (Added to NRS by 2009, 746)