639.170 - Schedule of fees.
639.170 Schedule of fees.
1. The Board shall charge and collect not more than the following fees for the following services:
For the examination of an applicant for registration as a pharmacist Actual cost
of the
For the investigation or registration of an applicant as a registered pharmacist $200
For the investigation, examination or registration of an applicant as a registered pharmacist by reciprocity 300
For the investigation or issuance of an original license to conduct a retail pharmacy 600
For the biennial renewal of a license to conduct a retail pharmacy......... 500
For the investigation or issuance of an original license to conduct an institutional pharmacy 600
For the biennial renewal of a license to conduct an institutional pharmacy 500
For the issuance of an original or duplicate certificate of registration as a registered pharmacist 50
For the biennial renewal of registration as a registered pharmacist.......... 200
For the reinstatement of a lapsed registration (in addition to the fees for renewal for the period of lapse) 100
For the initial registration of a pharmaceutical technician or pharmaceutical technician in training 50
For the biennial renewal of registration of a pharmaceutical technician or pharmaceutical technician in training......................................................................................................................... 50
For the investigation or registration of an intern pharmacist...................... 50
For the biennial renewal of registration as an intern pharmacist................ 40
For investigation or issuance of an original license to a manufacturer or wholesaler 500
For the biennial renewal of a license for a manufacturer or wholesaler.. 500
For the reissuance of a license issued to a pharmacy, when no change of ownership is involved, but the license must be reissued because of a change in the information required thereon 100
For authorization of a practitioner to dispense controlled substances or dangerous drugs, or both 300
For the biennial renewal of authorization of a practitioner to dispense controlled substances or dangerous drugs, or both................................................................................................................ 300
2. If a person requests a special service from the Board or requests the Board to convene a special meeting, the person must pay the actual costs to the Board as a condition precedent to the rendition of the special service or the convening of the special meeting.
3. All fees are payable in advance and are not refundable.
4. The Board may, by regulation, set the penalty for failure to pay the fee for renewal for any license, permit, authorization or certificate within the statutory period, at an amount not to exceed 100 percent of the fee for renewal for each year of delinquency in addition to the fees for renewal for each year of delinquency.
[Part 8:286:1913; A 1951, 290; 1953, 588; 1955, 307]—(NRS A 1960, 183; 1967, 1645; 1971, 684; 1973, 777; 1975, 194, 422; 1979, 1687; 1985, 878; 1987, 805, 1651; 1989, 895; 1993, 1220, 2154; 2003, 2285)