613.060 - Responsibility for acts of managers, officers, agents and employees.
613.060 Responsibility for acts of managers, officers, agents and employees. In all prosecutions under NRS 613.040 to 613.070, inclusive, the person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of NRS 613.040 to 613.070, inclusive, shall be held responsible for the acts of his, her or its managers, officers, agents and employees.
[Part 2:62:1915; 1919 RL p. 3391; NCL § 10603]
NRS 613.070 Recovery of damages by employee. Nothing contained in NRS 613.040 to 613.060, inclusive, shall be construed to prevent the injured employee from recovering damages from his or her employer for injury suffered through a violation of NRS 613.040 to 613.060, inclusive.
[3:62:1915; 1919 RL p. 3391; NCL § 10604]