610.030 - Creation; members.
610.030 Creation; members.
1. A State Apprenticeship Council composed of seven members is hereby created.
2. The Labor Commissioner shall appoint:
(a) Three members who are representatives from employer associations and have knowledge concerning occupations in which a person may be apprenticed.
(b) Three members who are representatives from employee organizations and have knowledge concerning occupations in which a person may be apprenticed.
(c) One member who is a representative of the general public and who, before appointment, must first receive the unanimous approval of the members appointed under the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b).
3. The state official who has been designated by the State Board for Career and Technical Education as being in charge of trade and industrial education is an ex officio member of the State Apprenticeship Council but may not vote.
[Part 2:192:1939; 1931 NCL § 506.01]—(NRS A 1985, 818; 1987, 443; 2005, 1053)