Chapter 573 - Public Sales of Livestock
- 573.010 - Definitions.
- 573.015 - Declaration of policy.
- 573.020 - Holding of public livestock auction without license prohibited; procedure for application for license.
- 573.030 - Bond required for issuance of license; deposit in lieu of bond.
- 573.033 - Details and amount of bond; liability of surety.
- 573.035 - Bond of market agency.
- 573.037 - Deposit in lieu of bond: Amount; action for recovery against deposit; retention by Department.
- 573.040 - Fee for license.
- 573.050 - Issuance of license.
- 573.060 - Separate license required for each establishment or premises.
- 573.070 - Form of license.
- 573.080 - Renewal of license.
- 573.090 - Display of license.
- 573.100 - Denial, suspension or revocation of license; notice and hearing.
- 573.103 - Audits of accounts.
- 573.104 - Custodial accounts for consignors’ proceeds.
- 573.105 - Line of credit: Duty of Department to ascertain continued existence and amount or replacement; suspension of license for failure to maintain.
- 573.106 - Payment of net proceeds of sales to consignors.
- 573.107 - Actions by consignor creditor or Director on bond.
- 573.108 - Duties of Director when licensee fails to pay consignor creditor; settlement or compromise on bond; action by Director; subpoenas.
- 573.109 - District court’s power to compel attendance of witnesses and production of books and papers; orders.
- 573.110 - Records to be maintained by licensee: Contents; location; inspection; retention.
- 573.120 - Records to be maintained by person buying or receiving livestock for slaughter on consignment or for commission or fee: Contents; inspection; retention.
- 573.125 - Operator to issue receipts to purchasers.
- 573.130 - Regulation of sales of livestock under quarantine or infected or exposed to contagious, infectious or parasitic livestock disease; testing, treating and examination of livestock.
- 573.140 - Sanitation of premises; facilities for feed and water.
- 573.150 - Inspection and testing of scales.
- 573.160 - Inspection of premises and records by Department.
- 573.165 - Approved space and facilities to be provided for brand inspection.
- 573.170 - Change of sale days: Procedure; special sales.
- 573.175 - Security agreements not impaired.
- 573.180 - Exemption from provisions of chapter for nonprofit organizations and associations.
- 573.183 - Cease and desist orders.
- 573.185 - Injunctions; restraining orders.
- 573.190 - Penalties.