567.090 - State Predatory Animal and Rodent Account: Deposit of contributions; claims against Account.
567.090 State Predatory Animal and Rodent Account: Deposit of contributions; claims against Account.
1. All contributions of money which the Committee is authorized to accept must be deposited into a special account to be known as the State Predatory Animal and Rodent Account to be held in trust by the State Treasurer for use only in the control of predatory animals, property-destroying birds and rodents, under the provisions of this chapter.
2. All claims against the State Predatory Animal and Rodent Account must be approved by at least one member of the Committee, designated for that purpose by the Committee, the Secretary of the Committee and by the State Board of Examiners.
[4:256:1949; 1943 NCL § 3149.04]—(NRS A 1967, 1025; 1979, 624; 1983, 403; 1995, 214)