554.190 - Costs of fumigation, disinfection or treatment.

554.190  Costs of fumigation, disinfection or treatment.

      1.  All costs of fumigation, disinfection or treatment ordered to be performed by the State Quarantine Officer shall be borne by the owner of the agricultural commodity.

      2.  The owner or, in the owner’s absence, the owner’s agent, manager or foreman, shall perform the fumigation, disinfection or treatment promptly and exactly as instructed and not otherwise. The refusal or neglect so to do shall be a misdemeanor.

      3.  In the case of refusal or neglect by the owner, agent, manager or foreman to perform the fumigation, disinfection or treatment as instructed, the State Quarantine Officer or any person deputized by the State Quarantine Officer may enter upon the premises and perform the fumigation, disinfection or treatment. All the costs thereof shall attach as a lien against any property of the owner within the State. On the neglect or refusal of the owner promptly to pay the same on presentation of an itemized bill certified to by the State Quarantine Officer or the State Quarantine Officer’s deputy, the district attorney of the county shall forthwith proceed to levy an attachment against any property of the owner within the State for the amount due plus the costs of legal proceedings, and shall proceed to collect the same by foreclosure proceedings.

      [Part 8:280:1913; 1919 RL p. 2627; NCL § 442]—(NRS A 1961, 520; 1967, 612)