539.663 - Bonds of irrigation districts of other states as legal investments; limitations.
539.663 Bonds of irrigation districts of other states as legal investments; limitations. The bonds of irrigation districts of other states having similar laws for certification thereof may be used in like manner as the bonds of irrigation districts of this state where the laws of such state permit a like use to be made of bonds of irrigation districts of this state.
[11:34:1921; NCL § 8227]
NRS 539.665 Faith of State of Nevada pledged. The faith of the State of Nevada is hereby pledged that any law under which irrigation district bonds are issued shall not be repealed, nor taxation thereby imposed omitted, nor such law be so amended as to impair the security of such bonds, until all the bonds and coupons issued under and by virtue thereof have been paid in full as specified and provided in such law.
[12:34:1921; NCL § 8228]