533.490 - Watering livestock declared beneficial use.

533.490  Watering livestock declared beneficial use.

      1.  The use of water for watering livestock is hereby declared to be a beneficial use except as provided in NRS 533.495. Subject to such exception, the right to use water for that purpose may be acquired in the same manner as the right to use water for any other beneficial purpose.

      2.  On application to the State Engineer for any such right, it shall not be necessary for the applicant to state or prove or for the State Engineer to determine in cubic feet per second of time the quantity of water the use of which is applied for or granted, but in all such applications and in all proceedings connected therewith and, also, in all proceedings either before the State Engineer or the courts relating to the proof or establishment of a vested right to use water for watering livestock, it shall be a sufficient measure of the quantity of the water to specify the number and kind of animals to be watered or which have been watered, as the case may be. This subsection is not intended to imply that prior to April 1, 1925, it was necessary to specify, prove or determine the quantity of water in cubic feet per second, but is meant only to remove for the future any uncertainty that may have existed as to such necessity.

      [1:201:1925; NCL § 7979]