533.145 - Objections to preliminary order of determination; form and contents of objection.

533.145  Objections to preliminary order of determination; form and contents of objection.

      1.  Any person claiming any interest in the stream system involved in the determination of relative rights to the use of water, whether claiming under vested right or under permit from the State Engineer, may object to any finding, part or portion of the preliminary order of determination made by the State Engineer by filing objections with the State Engineer within 30 days after the evidence and proofs, as provided in NRS 533.140, shall have been opened to public inspection, or within such further time as for good cause shown may be allowed by the State Engineer upon application.

      2.  Such objections shall be verified by the affidavit of the objector, or the objector’s agent or attorney, and shall state with reasonable certainty the grounds of objection.

      [29:140:1913; A 1921, 171; NCL § 7916]