528.070 - Required practices to prevent and suppress fire.
528.070 Â Required practices to prevent and suppress fire. Â The fire prevention and suppression practices of every timber owner or operator conducting logging operations in this State shall conform to the following:
     1.  All such owners or operators shall fell all snags over 20 feet in height which are 16 inches d.b.h. or larger concurrently with the felling of live merchantable timber on forest lands in this State. However, in salvaging fire-killed or insect-killed timber where the average number of snags, after logging, will be greater than four per acre, the owner or operator shall dispose of only an average of four snags per acre.
     2.  All limbs from unutilized portions of trees and reproduction, felled or knocked down by logging or construction, within 100 feet of the traveled surface of any public road and main logging roads shall be lopped and scattered currently in the course of operations. In areas where a timber owner or operator chooses to pile and burn lopped slash, the slash shall be piled and burned where the burning will not damage residual trees or reproduction. The piled slash shall be burned at a safe time as determined by the State Forester Firewarden. Piles that fail to burn clean shall be repiled and burned. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to confine such burning to the piled slash.