527.010 - Unlawful cutting or removal of timber from land held by inchoate title or title less than fee simple; penalty.
527.010 Unlawful cutting or removal of timber from land held by inchoate title or title less than fee simple; penalty.
1. It is unlawful for any person or corporation to cut down or remove, or cause to be cut down or removed, any wood, timber or trees on or from any land in this state, to which land this state or any person or corporation has or may have an inchoate title, or any title less than fee simple. The provisions of this subsection apply to the owner of such inchoate title, or title less than fee simple, the same as to other persons and corporations.
2. If any owner of an inchoate title to land in this state, or title to such land less than fee simple, or any other person or corporation, violates the provisions of subsection 1, such person or corporation is guilty of a public offense, as prescribed in NRS 193.155, proportionate to the value of the trees, wood or timber cut down or removed, and in no event less than a misdemeanor.
[1:56:1871; B § 3843; BH § 356; C § 328; RL § 2114; NCL § 3160] + [2:56:1871; B § 3844; BH § 357; C § 329; RL § 2115; NCL § 3161]—(NRS A 1967, 608; 1971, 1462; 1979, 1484)