490.260 - Director to consider certain matters before renewing license; authority of Director to require bond. [Effective 1 year after the date the Interim Finance Committee issues a notice to the Dep

490.260  Director to consider certain matters before renewing license; authority of Director to require bond. [Effective 1 year after the date the Interim Finance Committee issues a notice to the Department of Motor Vehicles that adequate money is available to begin registering off-highway vehicles or on July 1, 2011, whichever is sooner, and expires by limitation on July 1, 2011, if such notice is not given before that date.]  The Director shall, before renewing any occupational license issued pursuant to this chapter, consider:

      1.  The number and types of complaints received against an off-highway vehicle dealer, long-term or short-term lessor or manufacturer by the Department; and

      2.  Any administrative fines imposed upon the off-highway vehicle dealer, lessor or manufacturer by the Department pursuant to this chapter,

Ê and may require the off-highway vehicle dealer, lessor or manufacturer to provide a good and sufficient bond in the amount set forth in subsection 1 of NRS 490.270 for each category of off-highway vehicle sold at each place of business and in each county in which the off-highway vehicle dealer, lessor or manufacturer is licensed to do business.

      (Added to NRS by 2009, 3091, effective 1 year after the date the Interim Finance Committee issues a notice to the Department of Motor Vehicles that adequate money is available to begin registering off-highway vehicles or on July 1, 2011, whichever is sooner, and expires by limitation on July 1, 2011, if such notice is not given before that date)