490.220 - Off-highway vehicle dealer in new off-highway vehicles not to be issued license unless such dealer first furnishes to Department instrument indicating dealer is authorized franchised off-hig
490.220 Off-highway vehicle dealer in new off-highway vehicles not to be issued license unless such dealer first furnishes to Department instrument indicating dealer is authorized franchised off-highway vehicle dealer; additional functions in which used off-highway vehicle dealer may engage. [Effective 1 year after the date the Interim Finance Committee issues a notice to the Department of Motor Vehicles that adequate money is available to begin registering off-highway vehicles or on July 1, 2011, whichever is sooner, and expires by limitation on July 1, 2011, if such notice is not given before that date.]
1. A new off-highway vehicle dealer’s license must not be furnished to any off-highway vehicle dealer in new off-highway vehicles unless the off-highway vehicle dealer first furnishes the Department an instrument executed by or on behalf of the manufacturer certifying that he or she is an authorized franchised off-highway vehicle dealer for the make or makes of off-highway vehicles concerned. New off-highway vehicle dealers are authorized to sell at retail only those new off-highway vehicles for which they are certified as franchised off-highway vehicle dealers by the manufacturer.
2. In addition to selling used off-highway vehicles, a used off-highway vehicle dealer may:
(a) Sell at wholesale a new off-highway vehicle taken in trade or acquired as a result of a sales contract to a new off-highway vehicle dealer who is licensed and authorized to sell that make of vehicle;
(b) Sell at wholesale a new off-highway vehicle through a wholesale vehicle auction if the wholesale vehicle auctioneer:
(1) Does not take an ownership interest in the off-highway vehicle; and
(2) Auctions the off-highway vehicle to an off-highway vehicle dealer who is licensed and authorized to sell that make of off-highway vehicle; or
(c) Sell a new off-highway vehicle on consignment from a person not licensed as an off-highway vehicle dealer or long-term or short-term lessor.
(Added to NRS by 2009, 3097, effective 1 year after the date the Interim Finance Committee issues a notice to the Department of Motor Vehicles that adequate money is available to begin registering off-highway vehicles or on July 1, 2011, whichever is sooner, and expires by limitation on July 1, 2011, if such notice is not given before that date)