- 486.181 - Carrying passengers.
- 486.191 - Driver’s position while operating.
- 486.201 - Height of handlebar.
- 486.211 - Position of driver’s hands.
- 486.221 - Fenders required while in operation.
- 486.231 - Protective headgear and glasses: Standards; when use required.
- 486.241 - Protective headgear and glasses: Sale or distribution.
- 486.251 - Use of head lamps, stop lights and turn signals required.
- 486.261 - Tail lamps.
- 486.271 - Turn signals.
- 486.281 - Head lamps.
- 486.291 - Reflectors.
- 486.301 - Brakes.
- 486.311 - Mirrors.
- 486.331 - Rights and duties of drivers.
- 486.341 - Right to full use of traffic lane.
- 486.351 - Unlawful passing; driving abreast.