484A.185 - “Premises to which the public has access” defined.

484A.185  “Premises to which the public has access” defined.

      1.  “Premises to which the public has access” means property in private or public ownership onto which members of the public regularly enter, are reasonably likely to enter, or are invited or permitted to enter as invitees or licensees, whether or not access to the property by some members of the public is restricted or controlled by a person or a device.

      2.  The term includes, but is not limited to:

      (a) A parking deck, parking garage or other parking structure.

      (b) A paved or unpaved parking lot or other paved or unpaved area where vehicles are parked or are reasonably likely to be parked.

      (c) A way that provides access to or is appurtenant to:

             (1) A place of business;

             (2) A governmental building;

             (3) An apartment building;

             (4) A mobile home park;

             (5) A residential area or residential community which is gated or enclosed or the access to which is restricted or controlled by a person or a device; or

             (6) Any other similar area, community, building or structure.

      3.  The term does not include:

      (a) A private way on a farm.

      (b) The driveway of an individual dwelling.

      (Added to NRS by 1983, 1065; A 1997, 325)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.122)