474.040 - Written objections to formation of district; exclusion of territory.

474.040  Written objections to formation of district; exclusion of territory.

      1.  At the time fixed for the hearing of the matter, or at any time prior thereto, any person interested may file with the clerk of the board written objections to the formation of the district.

      2.  At the time fixed for the hearing, or to which the hearing may be adjourned, the board of county commissioners shall hear the objections filed, if any, and pass upon the same.

      3.  The board may, in its discretion, sustain any or all of the objections filed and may change or alter the boundaries of such proposed district to conform to the needs of the district and to exclude therefrom any land that will not be benefited by the formation of such a district. Except as provided in NRS 474.010 to 474.450, inclusive, the board shall not include therein any territory not included in the boundaries mentioned in the petition.

      [Part 3:121:1937; 1931 NCL § 1929.03]