463.3072 - Legislative findings and declarations.
463.3072 Legislative findings and declarations.
1. The Legislature hereby finds that:
(a) According to the United States Bureau of the Census, the State of Nevada was the fastest-growing state in the United States during the period from 1990 to 1996, increasing its population by approximately 27 percent.
(b) Forecasters estimate that the State of Nevada will be the fastest-growing state into the beginning of the 21st century, increasing its population during the period from 1996 to 2020 by approximately 79 percent.
(c) Approximately 65 percent of the residents of the State of Nevada currently live in Clark County and that percentage is increasing.
(d) During the period from 1985 to 1995, the population of Clark County has increased annually by an amount of between 4 and 9 percent.
(e) As the population of Clark County increases, the demand for safe and peaceful residential neighborhoods increases, and the need to ensure that such neighborhoods are available in the face of unrelenting urban growth also increases.
2. The Legislature hereby finds that:
(a) The gaming industry is vital to the economy of this State and Clark County, and the continued growth and success of gaming is of critical importance to the general welfare of all the residents of this State.
(b) A significant part of the continued growth and success of gaming depends upon the attractiveness, excitement and vitality of the Las Vegas Strip. To make the Las Vegas Strip more attractive to visitors, there is a need to promote new development along the Strip and to concentrate the next generation of resort hotels in a location that is convenient to visitors, supported by an existing infrastructure and suitable for the unique and exciting atmosphere of resort hotels.
(c) The concentration of the next generation of large gaming establishments along the Las Vegas Strip would use land efficiently and would promote responsible use of financial and natural resources by encouraging urban development in those areas where the transportation systems and infrastructure are best suited for such intensive development.
3. The Legislature hereby finds that:
(a) Although the continued growth and success of gaming is essential to the welfare of Clark County and this State, the growth of gaming in a planned and predictable manner is necessary for the safety, integrity and tranquillity of the residential neighborhoods of Clark County.
(b) By concentrating the growth of gaming in those areas where it is most appropriate, the gaming industry and residential neighborhoods will both benefit enormously as those areas best suited for gaming, such as the Las Vegas Strip, will continue to grow and flourish, and those areas best suited for residential living, whether existing or planned for the future, will continue to provide the scenic beauty and safe environment that is essential for enhancing the quality of life of families and children.
4. The Legislature hereby declares that:
(a) Because Southern Nevada is the source of a majority of the revenues generated in this State, the well-being and prosperity of the State of Nevada as a whole is necessarily dependent on the orderly, responsible growth of Clark County.
(b) The fact that a single area has such a significant impact on the rest of the State makes necessary the enactment of a law of special application to ensure that the various communities within Clark County will be able to grow in an orderly and responsible manner into the next century and beyond.
5. The Legislature, therefore, hereby declares that because a general law cannot be made applicable because of the economic and geographical diversity of the local governments of this State, the unique growth patterns in regions controlled by those local governments, and the special conditions experienced in Clark County as a result of unrestricted gaming development, it is necessary by special act to provide a means by which the State of Nevada may ensure that the growth of gaming within Clark County proceeds in an orderly and responsible manner, to the benefit of residents of and visitors to this State.
(Added to NRS by 1997, 1703)