453A.600 - Program for evaluation and research of medical use of marijuana: Establishment by University of Nevada School of Medicine; federal approval; participants and subjects; quarterly report to I

453A.600  Program for evaluation and research of medical use of marijuana: Establishment by University of Nevada School of Medicine; federal approval; participants and subjects; quarterly report to Interim Finance Committee.

      1.  The University of Nevada School of Medicine shall establish a program for the evaluation and research of the medical use of marijuana in the care and treatment of persons who have been diagnosed with a chronic or debilitating medical condition.

      2.  Before the School of Medicine establishes a program pursuant to subsection 1, the School of Medicine shall aggressively seek and must receive approval of the program by the Federal Government pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 823 or other applicable provisions of federal law, to allow the creation of a federally approved research program for the use and distribution of marijuana for medical purposes.

      3.  A research program established pursuant to this section must include residents of this state who volunteer to act as participants and subjects, as determined by the School of Medicine.

      4.  A resident of this state who wishes to serve as a participant and subject in a research program established pursuant to this section may notify the School of Medicine and may apply to participate by submitting an application on a form prescribed by the Department of Administration of the School of Medicine.

      5.  The School of Medicine shall, on a quarterly basis, report to the Interim Finance Committee with respect to:

      (a) The progress made by the School of Medicine in obtaining federal approval for the research program; and

      (b) If the research program receives federal approval, the status of, activities of and information received from the research program.

      (Added to NRS by 2001, 3064)