446.020 - “Food establishment” defined.
446.020 “Food establishment” defined.
1. Except as otherwise limited by subsection 2, “food establishment” means any place, structure, premises, vehicle or vessel, or any part thereof, in which any food intended for ultimate human consumption is manufactured or prepared by any manner or means whatever, or in which any food is sold, offered or displayed for sale or served.
2. The term does not include:
(a) Private homes, unless the food prepared or manufactured in the home is sold, or offered or displayed for sale or for compensation or contractual consideration of any kind;
(b) Fraternal or social clubhouses at which attendance is limited to members of the club;
(c) Vehicles operated by common carriers engaged in interstate commerce;
(d) Any establishment in which religious, charitable and other nonprofit organizations sell food occasionally to raise money or in which charitable organizations receive salvaged food in bulk quantities for free distribution, unless the establishment is open on a regular basis to sell food to members of the general public;
(e) Any establishment where animals are slaughtered which is regulated and inspected by the State Department of Agriculture;
(f) Dairy farms and plants which process milk and products of milk or frozen desserts which are regulated under chapter 584 of NRS; or
(g) The premises of a wholesale dealer of alcoholic beverages licensed under chapter 369 of NRS who handles only alcoholic beverages which are in sealed containers.
[Part 1:116:1943; 1943 NCL § 5319]—(NRS A 1960, 295; 1963, 758; 1969, 803, 991; 1973, 1164; 1981, 697; 1985, 901; 1991, 286; 1993, 1624; 1999, 3624; 2001, 1504)