440.090 - Requisites of certificates.

440.090  Requisites of certificates.  All certificates, either of birth, death or stillbirth, shall be written legibly, in unfading black ink, or typewritten, and no certificate shall be held to be complete and correct that does not supply all of the items of information called for, or satisfactorily account for their omission.

      [Part 14:199:1911; A 1941, 381; 1931 NCL § 5248]

      NRS 440.100  Persons required to furnish information.  All physicians, registered nurses, midwives, informants or funeral directors, and all other persons having knowledge of the facts, shall furnish such information as they may possess regarding any birth or death upon demand of the State Registrar, in person, by mail, or through the local health officer.

      [Part 18:199:1911; RL § 2969; NCL § 5252]—(NRS A 1983, 134; 1993, 1159)