52.335 - Copies delivered to clerk of court: Custody; maintenance; return.

52.335  Copies delivered to clerk of court: Custody; maintenance; return.

      1.  Except as provided in NRS 52.365, the copy of a medical record delivered pursuant to NRS 52.325 shall be kept in the custody of the clerk of the court issuing the subpoena, in a sealed container supplied by the custodian of the medical record. This container shall be clearly marked to identify the contents, the name of the patient, the title and number of the court case, and shall not be opened except pursuant to the direction of the court during the trial of the case, for the purpose of discovery as provided in NRS 52.365, or upon special order of the court.

      2.  The contents of the record shall be preserved and maintained as a cohesive unit and shall not be separated except upon the order of the court. Forty days after any final order dismissing or otherwise terminating any case in which medical records have been subpoenaed, if no appeal is taken, the records shall be returned intact and in complete form to the submitting custodian. If an appeal is taken, the records shall be returned 40 days after any final order terminating the appeal. This return shall be accomplished through the use of a self-addressed, stamped envelope which shall be contained within the package prepared and sent to the court by the submitting custodian. The envelope or container in which the record is delivered to the court shall be clearly marked to identify its contents and to direct that it shall be returned to the submitting custodian if developments occur which eliminate the necessity of opening the envelope.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 360; A 1977, 1535)