- 428.115 - Definitions.
- 428.125 - “Board” defined.
- 428.136 - “Fund” defined.
- 428.145 - “Hospital” defined.
- 428.155 - “Hospital care” defined.
- 428.165 - “Injury in a motor vehicle accident” defined.
- 428.175 - Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons.
- 428.185 - Levy of tax ad valorem for remittance to Fund.
- 428.195 - Board of Trustees of Fund: Composition; terms; vacancies.
- 428.205 - Board of Trustees of the Fund: Powers.
- 428.209 - Application by counties to Board for reimbursement for charges for care furnished to certain patients; procedure for application; review of application; payment to county from Fund; reimburs
- 428.215 - Collection of charges for care by hospital; request for determination of indigency.
- 428.225 - Certification of indigency.
- 428.235 - Application for reimbursement of charges; hospitals eligible for reimbursement.
- 428.245 - Review of application; payment to hospital from Fund; reimbursement of physician by hospital; Board subrogated to right of hospital or physician; lien on proceeds of recovery.
- 428.255 - Reimbursement of Fund by counties.