Punitive Provisions
- 412.452 - Trial or punishment for offense committed while on duty.
- 412.454 - Principal.
- 412.456 - Accessory after fact.
- 412.458 - Conviction of lesser included offense.
- 412.462 - Attempt.
- 412.464 - Conspiracy.
- 412.466 - Solicitation.
- 412.468 - Fraudulent enlistment, appointment or separation.
- 412.472 - Unlawful enlistment, appointment or separation.
- 412.474 - Desertion.
- 412.476 - Absence without leave.
- 412.478 - Failure to make required move.
- 412.482 - Contempt toward public officer.
- 412.484 - Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer.
- 412.486 - Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.
- 412.488 - Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer or noncommissioned officer.
- 412.492 - Failure to obey order or regulation.
- 412.494 - Cruelty and maltreatment.
- 412.496 - Mutiny or sedition.
- 412.498 - Resisting arrest; escape.
- 412.502 - Releasing prisoner without proper authority.
- 412.504 - Unlawful detention.
- 412.506 - Noncompliance with procedural rules.
- 412.508 - Misbehavior before enemy.
- 412.512 - Subordinate compelling surrender.
- 412.514 - Improper use of countersign.
- 412.516 - Forcing safeguard.
- 412.518 - Improper use of captured or abandoned property.
- 412.522 - Aiding enemy.
- 412.524 - Misconduct as prisoner.
- 412.526 - Making false official statement.
- 412.528 - Loss, damage, destruction or wrongful disposition of military property.
- 412.532 - Waste, spoilage or destruction of property other than military.
- 412.534 - Improper hazarding of vessel.
- 412.536 - Drunken or reckless driving.
- 412.538 - Drunk on duty; sleeping on post; leaving post before relief.
- 412.542 - Dueling.
- 412.544 - Malingering.
- 412.546 - Riot or breach of peace.
- 412.548 - Provoking words or gestures.
- 412.552 - Stealing goods of less than $100 value.
- 412.554 - Perjury.
- 412.556 - Fraud against the government.
- 412.558 - Conduct unbecoming an officer.