410.365 - Remedies for obstruction of visibility of outdoor advertising structure by noise abatement project.

410.365  Remedies for obstruction of visibility of outdoor advertising structure by noise abatement project.

      1.  If any improvement project is caused to be constructed for purposes of noise abatement by the Department within the right-of-way of a controlled access freeway, which obstructs the visibility from the main-traveled way of the controlled access freeway of an outdoor advertising structure that adjoins the controlled access freeway, the Department shall:

      (a) Authorize, with the consent of the affected city or county pursuant to chapter 278 of NRS and at no cost to the State or any local government, the owner of the outdoor advertising structure to adjust the height or angle of the structure to a height or angle that restores the visibility of the structure to the same or comparable visibility as before the construction of the improvement project;

      (b) Authorize, with the consent of the affected city or county pursuant to chapter 278 of NRS and at no cost to the State or any local government, the owner of the outdoor advertising structure to relocate the structure to another location on the same parcel of land or on another parcel of land where the owner of the structure has secured the right to construct a structure pursuant to the applicable local ordinances in existence at that time and the relocation restores the visibility of the structure to the same or comparable visibility as before the construction of the improvement project;

      (c) Evaluate the impact of the improvement project on the visibility of the outdoor advertising structure and may, in its discretion, implement design modifications to the project which maintain the integrity of the project and which eliminate the effect of the project on the visibility of the structure so that adjustments to or relocation of the structure are not required to maintain its visibility;

      (d) Authorize, with the consent of the affected city or county pursuant to chapter 278 of NRS and at no cost to the State or any local government, any other relief which is consistent with the public health, safety and welfare and which is mutually agreed upon by the governing body of the affected city or county, the Department and the owner of the outdoor advertising structure; or

      (e) If the actions described in paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive, would not result in the same or comparable visibility of the structure, let the visibility of the structure remain obstructed.

      2.  Any action authorized pursuant to subsection 1 must comply with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations, agreements with the Federal Government or the State and, to the extent that their provisions do not conflict with this section, local ordinances governing the regulation of outdoor advertising structures.

      3.  The provisions of subsection 1 do not authorize the owner of an outdoor advertising structure to increase the size of the area of display of the structure.

      4.  The provisions of this section:

      (a) Apply to lawfully erected conforming and nonconforming outdoor advertising structures;

      (b) Are not intended to grant an express or implied right of light, air or view over a controlled access freeway if such a right is not otherwise provided by law;

      (c) Do not apply to an outdoor advertising structure whose visibility was obstructed on or before June 6, 2005, by an improvement project for noise abatement;

      (d) Do not change the designation of an existing nonconforming outdoor advertising structure from nonconforming to conforming; and

      (e) Do not authorize an increase in the number of nonconforming outdoor advertising structures.

      5.  As used in this section:

      (a) “Controlled access freeway” means every highway to or from which owners or occupants of abutting lands and other persons are prohibited from having direct private access, and where access is allowed only at interchanges; and

      (b) “Outdoor advertising structure” means a billboard, subject to a permit issued by the Department, that is designed, intended or used to disseminate commercial and noncommercial messages that do not concern the premises upon which the billboard is located.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 981)