405.050 - No permit to be granted if natural beauty of scenery destroyed or view of highway obstructed; removal of sign as traffic hazard.
405.050 No permit to be granted if natural beauty of scenery destroyed or view of highway obstructed; removal of sign as traffic hazard.
1. No permit may be granted for the erection of any billboard, sign or other form of notice on any location which may measurably destroy the natural beauty of the scenery or obscure a view of the road ahead or of curves and grades or intersecting highways or railways.
2. If the Director of the Department of Transportation files a complaint with the board of county commissioners of any county showing that any sign erected is a hazard to traffic, the board of county commissioners shall order the removal of the sign.
[4:90:1925; NCL § 264]—(NRS A 1979, 1799)