Certificate of Registration to Act as Athlete’s Agent
- 398.448 - Registration required to act as athlete’s agent; limited exception; contract of agency void if in violation of section.
- 398.452 - Submission of application for registration to Secretary of State; application is public record; required contents and disclosures of application.
- 398.456 - Submission of application by person who holds registration or licensure in another state.
- 398.460 - Issuance of certificate of registration; grounds for denial by Secretary of State.
- 398.464 - Renewal of registration; period for which initial certificate and renewal are valid.
- 398.468 - Grounds for suspension, revocation or refusal to renew registration; issuance of temporary certificate of registration authorized.
- 398.472 - Adoption of regulations establishing fees; authority of Secretary of State to adopt other regulations.