Chapter 397 - Western Regional Higher Education Compact
- 397.010 - Execution of compact authorized; notice of intention to withdraw.
- 397.020 - Form and contents.
- 397.030 - Commissioners: Number; qualifications; terms; removal.
- 397.040 - Authority of state officers; declaration of state policy; state agencies’ cooperation with Commission.
- 397.050 - Western Regional Higher Education Compact Account: Creation; uses of money in Account.
- 397.055 - Contract with institution or state outside region.
- 397.0557 - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education authorized to apply for and accept grants; use of grant money for purchase of additional contract places.
- 397.060 - Choice and certification of students.
- 397.0615 - Support fee to be provided to chosen student; percentage of fee to be repaid.
- 397.0617 - Condition to receipt of support fee: Requirement that certain students practice profession in medically underserved areas; waiver of loan for compliance with condition; assessment of defaul
- 397.062 - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Account for Miscellaneous Expenses.
- 397.063 - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Fund for Student Loans; use of money in Fund; required terms of student loans made before July 1, 1985.
- 397.064 - Required terms of student loans made on or after July 1, 1985; assessment of delinquency charge.
- 397.0645 - Period that student must practice profession in Nevada to avoid repayment of state contributions; regulations; credit for partial completion of period of required practice.
- 397.065 - Repayment of state’s contributions for stipends by student who received stipend before July 1, 1995.
- 397.0653 - Repayment of stipends received on or after July 1, 1995; exceptions.
- 397.0655 - Delegation of negotiation of terms of repayment.
- 397.066 - Insurance as security for stipend or loan; joint liability on stipend or loan.
- 397.067 - Conditions under which immediate repayment of loan may be required.
- 397.068 - Penalties for failure to comply with regulations.
- 397.0685 - Reduction of period of required practice.
- 397.069 - Extension of period for repayment of loan or stipend.
- 397.0695 - Credit on loan for professional services provided without compensation.
- 397.070 - Accounts, biennial reports and recommendations.