391.230 - Filing of licenses with superintendent of school district; exception for unlicensed teachers of charter school.
391.230 Filing of licenses with superintendent of school district; exception for unlicensed teachers of charter school.
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, upon the opening of any public school in this state, every teacher and other licensed employee employed for that school shall file with the superintendent of the county school district a Nevada license entitling the holder to teach or perform other educational functions in the school in which he or she will be employed, and any other report that the Superintendent of Public Instruction requires.
2. The superintendent of the county school district shall acknowledge the receipt of each license and shall make a proper record thereof in the superintendent’s office. The license must remain on file and be safely kept in the office of the superintendent of the county school district.
3. This section does not apply to unlicensed teachers who are employed by a charter school.
[345:32:1956]—(NRS A 1959, 806; 1960, 29; 1969, 128; 1971, 524; 1979, 1605; 1987, 1002; 1999, 3314)