388.385 - Appointment of advisory technical skills committee by school districts; duties of committee; service without compensation.

388.385  Appointment of advisory technical skills committee by school districts; duties of committee; service without compensation.

      1.  If the board of trustees of a school district has established a program of career and technical education pursuant to NRS 388.380 and to the extent that money is available from this State or the Federal Government, the superintendent of schools of the school district shall appoint an advisory technical skills committee consisting of:

      (a) Representatives of businesses and industries in the community;

      (b) Employees of the school district who possess knowledge and experience in career and technical education;

      (c) Pupils enrolled in public schools in the school district;

      (d) Parents and legal guardians of pupils enrolled in public schools in the school district;

      (e) To the extent practicable, representatives of postsecondary educational institutions that provide career and technical education; and

      (f) Other interested persons.

      2.  An advisory technical skills committee established pursuant to subsection 1 shall:

      (a) Review the curriculum, design, content and operation of the program of career and technical education to determine its effectiveness in:

             (1) Preparing pupils enrolled in the program to enter the workforce and meeting the needs of supplying an appropriately trained workforce to businesses and industries in the community; and

             (2) Complying with the provisions of NRS 388.330 to 388.400, inclusive, and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto.

      (b) Advise the school district regarding the curriculum, design, content, operation and effectiveness of the program of career and technical education.

      (c) Provide technical assistance to the school district in designing and revising as necessary the curriculum for the program of career and technical education.

      (d) In cooperation with businesses, industries, employer associations and employee organizations in the community, develop work-based experiences for pupils enrolled in the program of career and technical education. The work-based experiences must:

             (1) Be designed:

                   (I) For pupils enrolled in grades 11 and 12, but may be offered to pupils enrolled in grades 9 and 10 upon the approval of the principal of the school where the program is offered.

                   (II) To prepare and train pupils to work as apprentices in business settings.

             (2) Allow a pupil to earn academic credit for the work-based experience.

      (e) Meet at least three times each calendar year.

      (f) Provide to the superintendent of schools of the school district any recommendations regarding the program of career and technical education and any actions of the committee.

      (g) Comply with the provisions of chapter 241 of NRS.

      3.  The members of an advisory technical skills committee serve without compensation.

      (Added to NRS by 2005, 1046)