387.315 - Statements of purpose and invoices to accompany orders; liability of trustees.
387.315 Statements of purpose and invoices to accompany orders; liability of trustees.
1. Every order drawn by the clerk of the board of trustees of a school district must be accompanied by an itemized statement of the purpose or purposes for which the order is issued, and a true copy of an itemized invoice drawn by the person, association, firm or corporation in whose favor the order is drawn. The statement and a true copy of the invoice must be filed in the office of the county auditor and is subject to inspection by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Statements and invoices shall be kept on file until ordered destroyed by the Superintendent.
2. No order for the payment of money of any school district may be issued by the clerk of the board of trustees unless there is in the county treasury, to the credit of the school district, a sum of money equal to the full amount for which the order is issued, and available for the purpose of the order.
3. If the clerk of any board of trustees draws any order for the payment of school money in violation of law, the members of the board of trustees are jointly and severally liable for the amount of the order.
[152:32:1956]—(NRS A 1959, 27, 803; 1979, 1591)