385.36127 - Duties and powers; quarterly progress report. [Effective through June 30, 2010.]

385.36127  Duties and powers; quarterly progress report. [Effective July 1, 2010.]

      1.  If a school support team is established pursuant to the regulations adopted by the State Board pursuant to NRS 385.361, the support team shall:

      (a) Review and analyze the operation of the school, including, without limitation, the design and operation of the instructional program of the school.

      (b) Review and analyze the data pertaining to the school upon which the report required pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 385.347 is based and review and analyze any data that is more recent than the data upon which the report is based.

      (c) Review the most recent plan to improve the achievement of the school’s pupils.

      (d) Review the information concerning the educational involvement accords provided to the support team pursuant to NRS 392.4575 and the information concerning the reports provided to the support team pursuant to NRS 392.456.

      (e) Identify and investigate the problems and factors at the school that contributed to the designation of the school as demonstrating need for improvement.

      (f) Assist the school in developing recommendations for improving the performance of pupils who are enrolled in the school.

      (g) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, make recommendations to the board of trustees of the school district, the State Board and the Department concerning additional assistance for the school in carrying out the plan for improvement of the school, the turnaround plan for the school or the plan for restructuring the school, whichever is applicable for the school. For a charter school sponsored by the State Board, the support team shall make the recommendations to the State Board and the Department. For a charter school sponsored by a college or university within the Nevada System of Higher Education, the support team shall make the recommendations to the sponsor, the State Board and the Department.

      (h) In accordance with its findings pursuant to this section and NRS 385.36129, submit, on or before November 1, written revisions to the most recent plan to improve the achievement of the school’s pupils for approval pursuant to NRS 385.357, or submit, on or before May 1, written recommendations for revisions to the turnaround plan for the school implemented pursuant to NRS 385.37603 or the plan for restructuring the school implemented pursuant to NRS 385.37607, whichever is applicable for the school. The written revisions or recommendations, as applicable, must:

             (1) Comply with NRS 385.357 if the school has demonstrated need for improvement for less than 5 years or with NRS 385.37603 or 385.37607, as applicable, if the school has demonstrated need for improvement for 5 or more consecutive years;

             (2) If the school is a Title I school, be developed in consultation with parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in the school and, to the extent deemed appropriate by the entity that created the support team, outside experts;

             (3) Include the data and findings of the support team that provide support for the revisions;

             (4) Set forth goals, objectives, tasks and measures for the school that are:

                   (I) Designed to improve the achievement of the school’s pupils;

                   (II) Specific;

                   (III) Measurable; and

                   (IV) Conducive to reliable evaluation;

             (5) Set forth a timeline to carry out the revisions;

             (6) Set forth priorities for the school in carrying out the revisions; and

             (7) Set forth the name and duties of each person who is responsible for carrying out the revisions.

      (i) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, work cooperatively with the board of trustees of the school district in which the school is located, the employees of the school, and the parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in the school to carry out and monitor the plan for improvement of the school. If a charter school is sponsored by the State Board, the Department shall assist the school with carrying out and monitoring the plan for improvement of the school. If a charter school is sponsored by a college or university within the Nevada System of Higher Education, that institution shall assist the school with carrying out and monitoring the plan for improvement of the school.

      (j) Prepare a quarterly progress report in the format prescribed by the Department and:

             (1) Submit the progress report to the Department.

             (2) Distribute copies of the progress report to each employee of the school for review.

      (k) In addition to the requirements of this section, if the support team is established for a Title I school, carry out the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6317(a)(5).

      2.  A school support team may require the school for which the support team was established to submit plans, strategies, tasks and measures that, in the determination of the support team, will assist the school in improving the achievement and proficiency of pupils enrolled in the school.

      3.  The Department shall prescribe a concise quarterly progress report for use by each support team in accordance with paragraph (j) of subsection 1.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 19th Special Session, 23; A 2005, 1340; 2007, 1953, 2563, 2911; 2009, 2312, 2313, effective July 1, 2010)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 385.3741)