385.525 - Qualifications and application for appointment and reappointment.

385.525  Qualifications and application for appointment and reappointment.

      1.  To be eligible for appointment to the Youth Legislature, a person:

      (a) Must be:

             (1) A resident of the senatorial district of the Senator who appoints him or her;

             (2) Enrolled in a public school or private school located in the senatorial district of the Senator who appoints him or her; or

             (3) A homeschooled child who is otherwise eligible to be enrolled in a public school in the senatorial district of the Senator who appoints him or her;

      (b) Must be enrolled in a public school or private school in this State in grade 10, 11 or 12 for the school year in which he or she serves or be a homeschooled child who is otherwise eligible to enroll in a public school in this State in grade 10, 11 or 12 for the school year in which he or she serves; and

      (c) Must not be related by blood, adoption or marriage within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity to the Senator who appoints him or her or to any member of the Assembly who collaborated to appoint him or her.

      2.  A person who wishes to be appointed or reappointed to the Youth Legislature must submit an application on the form prescribed pursuant to subsection 3 to the Senator of the senatorial district in which the person resides, is enrolled in a public school or private school or, if the person is a homeschooled child, the senatorial district in which he or she is otherwise eligible to be enrolled in a public school. A person may not submit an application to more than one Senator in a calendar year.

      3.  The Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau shall prescribe a form for applications submitted pursuant to this section, which must require the signature of the principal of the school in which the applicant is enrolled or, if the applicant is a homeschooled child, the signature of a member of the community in which the applicant resides other than a relative of the applicant.

      (Added to NRS by 2007, 839; A 2009, 252)