383.121 - Intergovernmental cooperation required.

383.121  Intergovernmental cooperation required.

      1.  All departments, commissions, boards and other agencies of the State and its political subdivisions shall cooperate with the Office in order to salvage or preserve historic, prehistoric or paleoenvironmental evidence located on property owned or controlled by the United States, the State of Nevada or its political subdivisions.

      2.  When any agency of the State or its political subdivisions is preparing or has contracted to excavate or perform work of any kind on property owned or controlled by the United States, the State of Nevada or its political subdivisions which may endanger historic, prehistoric or paleoenvironmental evidence found on the property, or when any artifact, site or other historic or prehistoric evidence is discovered in the course of such excavation or work, the agency or the contractor hired by the agency shall notify the Office and cooperate with the Office to the fullest extent practicable, within the appropriations available to the agency or political subdivision for that purpose, to preserve or permit study of such evidence before its destruction, displacement or removal.

      3.  The provisions of this section must be made known to all private contractors performing such excavation or work for any agency of the State or its political subdivisions.

      (Added to NRS by 1977, 1359; A 1993, 1593)