361A.240 - Appeal from determination; equalization of assessment.
361A.240 Appeal from determination; equalization of assessment.
1. The determination of use and the open-space use assessment in each year are final unless appealed.
2. If the application for an open-space use assessment is based on a designation or classification adopted pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 361A.170, the applicant for the open-space assessment is entitled to:
(a) Appeal the determination made by the board of county commissioners to the district court in the county where the property is located, or if located in more than one county, in the county in which the major portion of the property is located, as provided in NRS 278.0235.
(b) Equalization of the open-space use assessment in the manner provided in chapter 361 of NRS for complaints of overvaluation, excessive valuation or undervaluation.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 1761; A 1977, 681; 1981, 808; 1987, 678; 2005, 2666; 2009, 1231)