361.655 - Form of complaint by district attorney.

361.655  Form of complaint by district attorney.  The complaint in an action brought by the district attorney may be as follows in form:


In the (Title of Court)


State of Nevada                                                }

            v.                                                              }                Complaint

A.B. & Co., and the real estate and               }

improvements in (describing them).               }


      The State of Nevada, by C.D., district attorney of the county of ................................, complains of A.B. and also the real estate and improvements (describing them with the same particularity as in actions of ejectment, or actions for the recovery of personal property), and for cause of action says that between July 1, of the year ......, and January 2, of the year ......, in the county of ................, in the State of Nevada, E.F., then and there, being county assessor of the county, did duly assess and put down on an assessment roll all the real and personal property in the county subject to taxation, and that the assessment roll was afterward submitted to the county board of equalization of the county, and was by the board duly equalized as provided by law; that A.B. was then and there the owner of, and that there was duly assessed to A.B. the above-described real estate, improvements upon real estate and certain personal property, and that upon such property there has been duly levied for the fiscal year ...... a state tax of ................ dollars, and a county tax of ................ dollars, amounting in the whole to ................ dollars, all of which is due and unpaid; of which amount ................ dollars was duly assessed and levied against the real estate, and ................ dollars against the improvements aforesaid, and ................ dollars against the personal property.

      Wherefore, plaintiff prays judgment against A.B. for the sum of ................ dollars (the whole of the tax) and all penalties and costs, and a separate judgment against the real estate and improvements, for the sum of ................ dollars (the tax due on real estate, improvements, and personal property) and all penalties and costs, as provided by law, and for such other judgment as to justice belongs, and for all costs subsequent to the assessment of the taxes, and of this action.



                                                                                          C.D., District Attorney

                                                                                                County of....................


      [44:344:1953]—(NRS A 2001, 50; 2005, 515)